Acupuncture as Preventive Medicine


Acupuncture is at its best when used to prevent problems, and a monthly visit can go a long way toward keeping you healthy the majority of the time. The body is like a car. Would you expect your car to run well if you never changed its oil, replaced its filters or performed other preventative maintenance? 

“Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon,” said to be the oldest medical textbook in existence, might put it best: “To treat a disease when it is already manifest is like beginning to dig a well when you are already dying of thirst.”  

To remain healthy, we need to have enough Qi and it needs to be able to flow to all parts of the body. A lack of Qi can cause just as many health problems as a Qi blockage. For my patients who come once a month, I detect and correct minor imbalances, which in turn prevent larger problems that can cause illness and pain. Many of my patients who live with high stress levels find that they sleep better and have less tension and more energy when they come for a treatment once every four to six weeks.

If acupuncture has helped you in the past, you’re already an excellent candidate for preventative maintenance as part of your wellness program. If you have never tried acupuncture, want to prevent the aches and pains that occur with daily living, or are coping with a stressful lifestyle, click here to schedule an appointment and start incorporating acupuncture into your wellness routine.

Julie Grogan