The Nuts and Bolts of Paying for Acupuncture


I know: Medical expenses can be a daunting thing to think about. Sometimes the costs associated with your wellness routine can feel like a roadblock to getting the treatment you need. My goal is to help my patients find balance, and sometimes that means helping them navigate their acupuncture insurance coverage so they can take control of their health choices.

First, it’s important to remember that all insurance plans are different and each patient’s health needs are different. Together, we can build a treatment plan that works hand-in-hand with your available coverage. 

So let’s dive in. It certainly isn’t a fun topic, but it is a helpful one that can make the most of both your acupuncture treatment and your insurance.

What insurances do I accept? 

Excellus, BlueCross BlueShield and MVP Health Care. Some Cigna plans (primarily those administering for MVP) also cover my services. However, it’s always best to call your insurance provider before your first appointment to make sure acupuncture is covered and that I’m in network for your plan. If your coverage is through Excellus, I also can look that up for you. 

What is covered by insurance? 

Most insurance plans cover 10 visits per year with a 50% coinsurance. That means you would pay a specialty office co-pay for your first visit, which is typically 90 minutes long and much more extensive than a regular visit. For Excellus patients, a typical first-visit copay might range anywhere from $20 to $40. After the first visit, you’d pay a coinsurance of 50% of what I receive from the insurance company. For example, for an Excellus patient with this plan who is receiving acupuncture only, their coinsurance will equal $28.81 because I am paid $57.61 by Excellus for that visit.  

What about high-deductible plans?

If you have a high-deductible plan with acupuncture coverage, I can offer a discount on my regular cash rates. The amount you pay is then applied to your deductible. I do have patients who have completely met their deductibles, so their insurance pays for their acupuncture treatments in full. 

How can we make the most of your appointment and your coverage? 

By planning ahead. For you, that means checking your coverage with your insurance provider before your first appointment. But once you’re in the office, there are things we can do to help minimize your costs and maximize your appointment. Together, we can find the best balance between your treatment plan and your benefits. 

While every insurance plan is different, I’m here to help you navigate yours. Click here to schedule a consultation today.

Julie Grogan